30 Amazing Fennec Designs in Rocket League (Must Try)

With Fennec being the most loved car in Rocket League, it is evident that the demand for new and unique Fennec Designs is always high among Rocket League players.
So, here is a collection of Designs that will leave you wanting to either try them ASAP or get you inspired to create some of your own.
30 Incredible Fennec Designs (in no particular order):
All Designs [30]:
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30
Anodized Designs [12]:
#1 #5 #9 #10 #11 #13 #14 #17 #22 #27 #30
Designs by Fennec Paints:
- Default: #1 #6 #7 #9 #11 #12 #13 #18 #19 #22 #30
- Pink: #2
- Purple: #3 #5
- Titanium White: #4 #8 #10 #23 #29
- Sky Blue: #14 #15 #16
- Cobalt: #17
- Lime: #20
- Saffron: #21 #27
- Orange: #24 #25
- Crimson: #26 #28
- Black (Optional): #1 #11 #13 #30
- Gold (Optional): #22
#1: Fennec in Green Finish with Poly-Lite Wheels

Here is a simple yet elegant design to start with. The black Fennec body suits this design exceptionally well. But since the black Fennec is not a tradeable import body and is only available through the item shop, you can swap the black body with a regular Fennec as well.
Another item that is vital to the design but non-existent (except using bakkesmod on PC) is the Poly-Lite wheels.
As for the rest of the items, the Black Fennec Ombre decal is easily obtainable via trading and generally costs around 200 credits. The Forest Green Plasma Rocket Boost is also tradeable and costs about 150 or so credits.
Both the paint finishes used can also be acquired through trading and can cost anywhere between 150 – 250 credits combined.
Body: Black Fennec
Decal: Black Fennec Ombre
Boost: Forest Green Plasma
Wheels: Black Poly-Lite
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D2, Accent G1
Paint Finish: Anodized Pearl, Straight-Line
#2: Pink Fennec with Multi-Color Finish

This one is a pricey multi-color design that uses the Pink Fennec body, Lime Smokescreen decal, Glitch boost, and Black Stern wheels which cost around 500 credits each.
Of course, if you are on PC and using bakkesmod, it costs nothing to make and use the design client-side.
Body: Pink Fennec
Decal: Lime Smokescreen
Boost: Glitch
Wheels: Black Stern
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D6, Accent D2
Paint Finish: Smokescreen
#3: Purple Fennec with Multi-Color Finish

Similar to the previous design, this one is multi-colored and expensive to assemble.
The main differences here are the Forest Green Infinium wheels which cost a bit less than the Sterns from the last design but the extra cost of the Purple Fennec (over Pink) makes up for that and this design too ends up costing pretty much the same i.e. ~2000 credits.
Body: Purple Fennec
Decal: Cobalt Smokescreen
Boost: Glitch
Wheels: Forest Green Infinium
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D2, Accent D2
Paint Finish: Smokescreen
#4: Titanium White Fennec with Interstellar Decal

We have our first Interstellar Design. This one uses a Titanium White Fennec (1200 Credits) with Purple Interstellar Decal (1700 Credits), Power Shot Boost (30 Credits), and Reactor Wheels (70 Credits).
Body: Titanium White Fennec
Decal: Purple Interstellar
Boost: Power-Shot
Wheels: Reactor
Colors: Team Blue, Primary F10, Accent A2
Paint Finish: Interstellar
#5: Purple Fennec with Yorebands Decal

Another Purple Fennec design – this one uses Black Veloce wheels (9000 Credits – ouch!), Purple Fennec Yorebands decal (70 credits), Standard Purple boost (not tradeable), and Grassy (not tradeable but 100 credits on item shop), Anodized Pearl (100 Credits) Paint Finishes.
Body: Purple Fennec
Decal: Purple Fennec Yorebands
Boost: Standard Purple
Wheels: Black Veloce
Colors: Team Blue, Primary G8, Accent C10
Paint Finish: Grassy, Anodized Pearl
#6: Fennec with Ombre Decal & Cristiano Wheels

Ombre is a very popular decal for Fennec. This is a relatively cheap yet nice-looking ombre design, that uses a default fennec body with Black Fennec Ombre decal that goes for around 600 credits on PC, stock Cristiano wheels, Pink Toon Sketch Rocket Boost, and Pearlescent Matte paint finish which cost 100 Credits each.
Body: Unpainted Fennec
Decal: Black Fennec Ombre
Boost: Pink Toon Sketch
Wheels: Cristiano
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D5, Accent A14
Paint Finish: Pearlescent Matte, Matte
#7: Fennec with Ombre Decal & Pink Infinium Wheels

Another ombre design for Fennec, this one is extremely common and uses a bit more pink in combination with the base blue color.
It achieves this extra pinkness, due to the 2 items we swapped in the previous design: Pink Flamethrower Rocket Boost (100 Credits) and Pink Infinium Wheels (200 – 300 Credits).
Body: Unpainted Fennec
Decal: Black Fennec Ombre
Boost: Pink Flamethrower
Wheels: Pink Infinium
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D5, Accent A14
Paint Finish: Pearlescent Matte, Matte
#8: Titanium White Fennec with Ombre Decal

Continuing our Ombre Design series, we now swap out the default body with a Titanium White Fennec Body here (1200 Credits) and for Rocket Boost, we will be using the default version Comet which can be acquired for 50 – 70 Credits via trading.
Body: Titanium White Fennec
Decal: Black Fennec Ombre
Boost: Comet
Wheels: Pink Infinium
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D5, Accent A14
Paint Finish: Pearlescent Matte, Matte
#9: Fennec with Apex Wheels & White Ombre Decal

Moving further ahead with the Ombre series, we now have the Titanium White Fennec Ombre Decal which costs between 700 and 900 credits on PC.
We also have a new Rocket Boost: Vaporwave Remix which you can get for around 80 credits and the very popular Apex wheels which can be obtained for 100 or so credits through trading.
Both the paint finishes used can also be purchased for about 50 Credits each.
Body: Fennec
Decal: Titanium White Fennec Ombre
Boost: Vaporwave Remix
Wheels: Apex
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D6, Accent D4
Paint Finish: Metallic Pearl, Anodized
#10: Titanium White Fennec with White Ombre Decal

Trying out a whiter variation of the previous design with Titanium White Fennec Body (1200 Credits) and Fiber Optic I Rocket Boost (untradeable item).
Body: Titanium White Fennec
Decal: Titanium White Fennec Ombre
Boost: Fiber Optic I
Wheels: Apex
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D6, Accent D4
Paint Finish: Metallic Pearl, Anodized
#11: Fennec with Grey OEM Wheels

The last in the series of Team Blue Ombre designs is this darker bluer design with hints of glowy orange around the edges.
Creating this kind of beautiful contrast is what the ombre decal mainly shines at why so many players use it to come up with creative designs.
To get this kind of look, you’ll need to set the Primary and Accent colors to G8 and D4 and use Sludge (sadly not a tradeable item) and Anodized (50 Credits) paint finishes respectively.
The Grey OEM (150 Credits) which almost looks like its more expensive cousin the Black OEM (800 Credits) but costs almost a fraction is a good choice for the wheels here.
Body: Fennec (Optional – Black Fennec)
Decal: Titanium White Fennec Ombre
Boost: Black Standard
Wheels: Grey OEM
Colors: Team Blue, Primary G8, Accent D4
Paint Finish: Sludge, Anodized
#12: Fennec Hexagonal Theme Design

Moving on from the Ombre Series, here we have a Hex-Themed design that looks rather elegant.
To achieve this look, the main elements involved are the Hex Tide decal (we are using TW which costs 2,500 credits), Hexphase boost (also in TW at 200 credits), and Titanium White Kalos wheels which cost around 400 credits on PC.
Body: Fennec
Decal: Titanium White Hex Tide
Boost: Titanium White Hexphase
Wheels: Titanium White Kalos
Colors: Team Blue, Primary A6, Accent A1
Paint Finish: Hex Tide
#13: Silver Fennec Design with Black Dieci Wheels

Next is a very commonly used Fennec Ombre design that uses Ombre not for the edge highlight look but more for a blend of gradients to achieve this shiny silver finish.
You won’t need a painted ombre decal for this, the magic is all in the choice of colors (the value is below) and the paint finish Pearlescent Matte for primary (100 credits) and Anodized Pearl for secondary (100-150 credits).
Also, the wheels used are Black Dieci, but don’t worry you don’t have to go spend 40k credits on wheels alone. Most of the commonly used wheels in black and grey complement this design well. Feel free to experiment and settle for a cheaper option.
Body: Fennec (Optional – Black Fennec)
Decal: Fennec Ombre
Boost: Black Standard
Wheels: Black Dieci
Colors: Team Blue, Primary A6, Accent A1
Paint Finish: Pearlescent Matte, Anodized Pearl
#14: Icy Blue Fennec Design with Frostbite Boost

A lot of Fennec designs are Firey Hot (and we have some of those on this list as well). So to balance things out, here is an Icy Cold Design.
The ombre decal has once again been put to good use here, but the main contributors to this look are Frostbite Rocket Boost (30 credits), and Sky Blue K2 wheels (250 credits) along with the choice of primary and secondary colors and paint finish.
Sun-Damaged (40 credits), which is the primary paint finish used in the design adds the cracked ice look to the Fennec body and is probably the star of the show.
Body: Sky Blue Fennec
Decal: Titanium White Fennec Ombre
Boost: Frostbite
Wheels: Sky Blue K2
Colors: Team Blue, Primary G5, Accent A9
Paint Finish: Sun-Damaged, Anodized Pearl
#15: Sky Blue Fennec Design with Zomba Wheels

While Interstellar is a beautiful decal, it is also extremely common, which is perhaps why this list limits itself to only 2 designs with that decal.
Continuing with the Team Blue series of decals, this one is a beautiful blue-pink combo that combines Sky Blue Fennec Body (600 credits) with Sky Blue Interstellar Decal (1500 credits), Sky Blue Flamethrower (100 credits), and Sky Blue Zomba wheels (600 credits).
Body: Sky Blue Fennec
Decal: Sky Blue Interstellar
Boost: Sky Blue Flamethrower
Wheels: Sky Blue Zomba
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D4, Accent B13
Paint Finish: Interstellar
#16: Thermal Blue Fennec Design with Fire God Decal

Here is an insane Therm Blue Fennec Design that completely looks otherworldly.
This look is achieved with the Fire God decal (200 – 300 credits) and some color trickery. Further completing that Blue Firey look are Sky Blue Neo-Thermal Rocket Boost which costs around 100 credits and Sky Blue Rocket Forge II: Holographic wheels which can be acquired for around 200 credits on PC.
Body: Sky Blue Fennec
Decal: Fire God
Boost: Sky Blue Neo-Thermal
Wheels: Sky Blue Rocket Forge II: Holographic
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D5, Accent C9
Paint Finish: Fire God
#17: Anodized Pearl Fennec with Black Veloce Wheels

Next in the list, is the first and only proper Anodized Pearl Fennec Design. Simplicity is at the core of this design and it doesn’t falter even a little on that.
This is evident from the fact that there is no decal used here at all. Just the two-tone color effect that is created using the pearl effect in Anodized Pearl paint finish that is used as both primary and secondary paint finish.
The Cobalt Fennec body which can be acquired for 600 credits via trading blends really well with the entire theme as do the Black Veloce wheels. However at 8500 credits, the Veloce is expensive, so you could swap them out for cheaper black/grey variants.
Body: Cobalt Fennec
Decal: None
Boost: Standard Blue
Wheels: Black Veloce
Colors: Team Blue, Primary E7, Accent D2
Paint Finish: Anodized Pearl, Anodized Pearl
#18: Fennec Huntress Design with 3-Lobe Infinite Wheels

Next on the list is this futuristic, tron-like Fennec Huntress design. In theory, a Black Fennec body would be more suitable here, but as you can see from the image, the regular Fennec seems to fit just fine.
Complementing the Fennec Huntress Decal’s (100 Credits) neon-edged look is the default (unpainted) Ion Rocket Boost and Cobalt 3-Lobe: Infinite wheels, costing a mere 20 – 30 credits each.
Overall this is a pretty cheap but good-looking design.
Body: Fennec
Decal: Fennec Huntress
Boost: Ion
Wheels: Cobalt 3-Lobe: Infinite
Colors: Team Blue, Primary C7, Accent D9
Paint Finish: Glossy, Glossy
#19: Fennec Huntress Design with Raijin Wheels

Still on Team Blue designs, this one is similar to the previous Huntress Design but with a little more creative exploration and alteration of the accent color to match the blue-orange color theme of those Raijin wheels (80 credits).
Fitting in nicely with that duo and costing a mere 30 credits is the default HoloData Rocket Boost. Lastly, the use of that Grey Fennec Body (600 credits) really forms a nice and dull foundational background for the entire design to come together.
Body: Grey Fennec
Decal: Fennec Huntress
Boost: HoloData
Wheels: Raijin
Colors: Team Blue, Primary C6, Accent C3
Paint Finish: Glossy Block, Sequin
#20: Lime Fennec Huntress with Infinium Wheels

Taking the Creative Exploration with Huntress Designs a bit further, we now have this incredible Lime Fennec (600 credits) design that blends perfectly with the color theme of Cobalt Infinium wheels (300 credits).
And tieing it all together neatly is that Lime Lightning boost that costs about 450 credits on PC.
Body: Lime Fennec
Decal: Fennec Huntress
Boost: Lime Lightning
Wheels: Cobalt Infinium
Colors: Team Blue, Primary D7, Accent G1
Paint Finish: Glossy, Glossy
#21: Saffron Fennec Design with EQ-RL Decal

If I was asked to imagine whether Pink and Yellow would ever be a good combination for a car design, my answer would obviously be a stern NO.
Yet here we have exactly that in flesh and blood and somehow I’m forced to admit the imagination can be wrong a lot of times.
The main theme of this look is the Equalizer and so we have the Lime Equalizer wheels (200 credits) which by default have a lime/pink tone.
Then trying to match that tone the designer utilizes the Pink EQ-RL decal which at 20 credits is quite the steal.
The Saffron Sun Ray rocket boost (450 credits) finishes up the yellowness at the rear.
Body: Saffron Fennec
Decal: Pink EQ-RL
Boost: Saffron Sun Ray
Wheels: Lime Equalizer
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D1, Accent B14
Paint Finish: EQ-RL
#22: Gold Fennec Design with Dieci-Oro Wheels

The only Gold Fennec design on the list does not even use a Gold Fennec Body – how disappointing.
This one is economical, easy-to-make and yet a very nice-looking Gold Fennec Design at the same time. However two items on this design can be considered out-of-reach: the Dieci-Oro Wheels and the Standard Yellow boost are both legacy items and also not tradeable.
The Standard Yellow boost can be swapped out for other boosts, but the Dieci-Oro Wheels kind of sit there looking very central to this entire design.
The dark edge lines of the Black Fennec Ombre decal (600 credits) look very good on the gold finish. One could argue that a Black Fennec body may suit the theme a little better, and I do agree.
The gold-lined finish comes mainly because of the colors and the secondary paint finish used – Straight-Line (50 credits).
Body: Fennec (Optional – Gold Fennec)
Decal: Black Fennec Ombre
Boost: Standard Yellow
Wheels: Dieci-Oro
Colors: Team Orange, Primary C3, Accent A4
Paint Finish: Anodized Pearl, Straight-Line
#23: White Fennec with Tidal Stream Decal

On to more Team Orange designs, here’s one that manages to achieve a beautiful flame-like finish thanks to the Tidal Stream Decal which costs a little upwards of 1000 credits on PC.
At 450 credits, Burnt Sienna Apex wheels do a great job of matching that yellow theme, as does the default Standard boost which sadly is not a tradeable item.
Body: Titanium White Fennec
Decal: Tidal Stream
Boost: Standard
Wheels: Burnt Sienna Apex
Colors: Team Orange, Primary C4, Accent C4
Paint Finish: Tidal Stream
#24: Orange Fennec Design with Labyrinth Decal

Not being one of the biggest fans of the Labyrinth (100 credits) Black Market Decal, I’m surprised that I kind of do like this design – very much.
The overall fractal-like look goes very well with the choice of Orange Hypnotik wheels. Not to forget the Orange Fennec body also does a fine job of setting the perfect foundation.
No need for any outside elements to introduce contrast here, there is enough drama happening in the decal and wheels all by itself.
Body: Orange Fennec
Decal: Labyrinth
Boost: Standard Yellow
Wheels: Orange Hypnotik
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D3, Accent G1
Paint Finish: Labyrinth
#25: Orange Fennec Fire Theme Design

No list of Rocket League car designs is complete without a Fire God design that looks like it came straight out of hell.
An Orange Fennec Import Body forms the ideal base for a flowing lava-like look that is achieved using the Fire God decal with the appropriate choice of colors.
Also, Draco Holographic (that is untradeable) has been put to good use here, since the color theme of the default wheels matches this design.
There is a topper here too, albeit not a pricey one. Phoenix Wings III costs around 80 credits on PC and blends perfectly with both the car and the Magmus Rocket Boost which can be easily acquired for 30 credits via trading.
Body: Orange Fennec
Decal: Fire God
Topper: Phoenix Wings III
Boost: Magmus
Wheels: Draco: Holographic
Colors: Team Orange, Primary G8, Accent C3
Paint Finish: Fire God
#26: Crimson Fennec with Shield Glitch Decal

Our next Crimson Fennec design borrows heavily from the Chinese New Year color theme palette.
What we have here is a Crimson Fennec body (800 Credits) with Orange Shield Glitch decal (30 credits) and Orange Pixel Fire Rocket Boost (300 credits) – all three of which pair very well with the default Tremor Inverted wheels that usually go for 150 credits on PC.
Body: Crimson Fennec
Decal: Orange Shield Glitch
Boost: Orange Pixel Fire
Wheels: Tremor Inverted
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D8, Accent D5
Paint Finish: Shield Glitch
#27: Saffron Fennec Design with The Flash Wheels

This one looks like it is a design that is either inspired by a Super Hero theme or by an Anime theme. I would personally lean towards the latter because the color theme reminds me so much of Saitama from One-Punch Man.
The Flash wheels are the central design element here and everything else you see around it has been tailored to match that same color and lightning theme.
Sadly these are limited wheels from the 2018 Flash series and therefore are not tradeable.
The decal is Fennec Lightning which doesn’t need to be purchased, it comes with the Fennec. I’ve tried this design with a Crimson Fennec as well but it ends up looking worse so the Saffron Fennec (400 credits) has to be the base.
And the last piece to this puzzle is the Saffron Magic Missile Rocket Boost which is easily available for around 50 Credits on most trading websites.
Body: Saffron Fennec
Decal: Fennec Lightning
Boost: Saffron Magic Missile
Wheels: The Flash
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D8, Accent D5
Paint Finish: Glossy, Anodized Pearl
#28: Crimson Fennec Huntress with Infinium Wheels

The final Huntress Design in the list is a Crimson one. This design is built on top of the Crimson Fennec Body (800 Credits) and uses an unpainted Fennec Huntress decal (100 Credits).
The wheels are Crimson Infinium (200 Credits) and the boost is Ion Red which being a legacy item is untradeable.
If you don’t have the Ion Red in your inventory or are not using bakkesmod, then Crimson Plasma Boost (250 credits) or Sky Blue Plasma Boost (350 credits) can work as good alternatives.
Body: Crimson Fennec
Decal: Fennec Huntress
Boost: Ion Red
Wheels: Crimson Infinium
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D7, Accent D9
Paint Finish: Glossy, Glossy
#29: White Fennec Design with Bubbly Decal

Considering how nice red or crimson Fennec Designs can look (ahem ahem.. thumbnail), and how much I love them, there as not as many here on this list as there should be.
Talking of red designs, the only thing that looks out of place to me in this one is the Standard Boost – it doesn’t fit.
Barring that, I love the use of a Titanium White Fennec (1200 credits) as the foundation for a gradient-based design that flows from deep red in the front to dark violet at the rear.
That look comes with the Bubbly, an elegant Black Market decal that costs around 200 credits on PC. The mix of blue and red dots in the Crimson Infinium (200 credits) wheels also nicely matches the overall design.
Body: Titanium White Fennec
Decal: Bubbly
Boost: Standard
Wheels: Crimson Infinium
Colors: Team Blue, Primary G8, Accent E2
Paint Finish: Bubbly
#30: Fennec with Edge Burst Decal & Tunica Wheels

Keeping the best for the last, here is an incredibly beautiful Fennec design that uses the rather economical Fennec Edge Burst decal (200 credits). The rest of the look is managed thanks to some magic in using the colors and paint finish.
The contrast between the Orange Anodized bits and Black Glossy bits along with the use of Black Standard boost (1500 credits) and Black Tunica wheels (15000 credits) elevates the overall look of this design to way above classy.
Body: Fennec (Optional – Black Fennec)
Decal: Titanium White Fennec Edge Burst
Boost: Black Standard
Wheels: Black Tunica
Colors: Team Orange, Primary D4, Accent G1
Paint Finish: Anodized, Glossy
And that’s the list of 30 hand-picked unique yet beautiful designs for the Fennec.
As seasons come and go, we upgrade the list to swap out older designs with more recent ones so that even the current, less-popular items get equal representation.
With rumors of a possible UE5 Update around the corner, one can only imagine how much better the Fennec and all these designs will possibly look in Unreal Engine 5.
So if you’re on the lookout for new and trending Fennec designs, don’t forget to save this page and check back periodically.